Cyclical asphalt plants are sub-divided into three categories. Within each category are several types of plants that differ in complexity of installation and capacity:
1. ABP 240 - 320 Universal
ABP 240-320 Universal is asphalt plant with high performances and great flexibility. Ammann engineers have reduced the noise of the plant so it is intended for urban areas. Capacity of the asphalt plant is from 240 t/h up to 320 t/h. This plant has the ability to use an old asphalt for production of the new asphalt (RAP).
2. ABP 320 - 400 HRT
ABP 320 - 400 HRT is asphalt plant intended to produce a high quantities of asphalt and it requires a small amount of space for setup. For this plant, Ammann engineers have invented a high technology of using an old asphalt for producing the new one, and it can use up to 80% of an old asphalt.
Capacity of the asphalt plant is from 240 t/h up to 320 t/h.
3. ABA 100 - 340 Unibatch
ABA 100 - 340 Unibatch is asphalt plant with a big range of production capacity. It is optimised for high performances and economical production of the latest technology. It is designed for the whole world and modules of mixing tower are easy for transportation. Capacity of the asphalt plant is from 100 t/h up to 340 t/h. This plant has the ability to use an old asphalt for production of the new asphalt (RAP).
4. ABC 140 - 340 Solidbatch
ABC 140 - 340 Solidbatch is asphalt plant designed by Ammann engineers, it has a high quality, but belongs to a lower price class. The plant is compact and modular because of easier transportation. Due to faster assembly it's possible to assemble it on the iron foundations and complete electric power is set up on plugs. Capacity of the asphalt plant is from 140 t/h up to 340 t/h. This plant has the ability to use an old asphalt for production of the new asphalt (RAP).
5. ABT 140 - 180 Quickbatch
ABT 140 - 180 Quickbatch is asphalt plant designed according to the world container standards and this makes it cheap for transportation. This plant has a minimal packaging and unpackaging during assembly and dismantling, smart modules and iron foudations which make the assembly easier and faster. Capacity of the asphalt plant is from 140 t/h up to 180 t/h. This plant has the ability to use an old asphalt for production of the new asphalt (RAP)
6. ABT 240 - 300 Speedybatch
ABT 240 - 300 Speedybatch is asphalt plant constructed for the fast instalation and assembly on the iron foundations. This asphal plant has it's all specifications like stationary asphalt plant. Capacity of the asphalt plant is from 240 t/h up to 300 t/h. This plant has the ability to use an old asphalt for production of the new asphalt (RAP)
7. ABM 90 - 140 Easybatch
ABM 90 - 140 Easybatch is the most mobile cyclic asphalt plant at the market. Fastest removal and assembly at new location without crane and the widness doesn't exceed 3 m. Possible designes are with and without the silos of finished mass. Capacity of the asphalt plant is from 90 t/h up to 140 t/h. This plant has the ability to use an old asphalt for production of the new asphalt (RAP).
8. ABM 240 - 320 Blackmove
ABM 240 - 320 Blackmove is asphalt plant with big capacity and autonomous mobility. Before delivery, the plant is tested at the factory. Towing this plant requires six tractors and four standard transports. It's convinient for several relocations. Capacity of the asphalt plant is from 240 t/h up to 320 t/h. This plant has the ability to use an old asphalt for production of the new asphalt (RAP).